From Chairman's Desk
School Timings
From Principal's Desk
Transfer Cretificate
From Chairman's Desk
<style type="text/css"> h3, p, li, td{ color:#20292f; font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif; } p, li, td{ font-size: 16px; font-weight: 400; word-spacing:1px; line-height: 22px; } .justify{ text-align:justify; } .entry-title-portfolio { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; padding: 10px; font-size: 22px !important; } .red{ color:#c71e17; } .blue{ color:#1f77b7; } .sky{ color:#1bc1e3; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="span3"> <div class="picture"> <a href="https://esstoragesv2.blob.core.windows.net/esstoragesv2/113050_655e.JPG" rel="image" title="Image Title"> <img src="https://esstoragesv2.blob.core.windows.net/esstoragesv2/113050_655e.JPG" alt="" style="width:100%;"> </a> </div> <h5 class="entry-title entry-title-portfolio">Er. Bharat Kumar Tholia<br>Chairman</h5> </div> <div class="span5"> <p class="justify"><B>LITTLE FOR US<BR> ALL FOR THE NATION</B></p> <p class="justify">My experience shows that magical things happen when you choose the mindset of positive expectancy. It is an inner resolve that hooks up with something greater than you, to create the momentum for a successful outcome. We attempt to create that magic in our school by being positive in our thoughts as well as deeds.</p> </div> </div> <p class="justify">We aim at the all round personality development of our school children by ensuring their participation in curricular & co-curricular activities of the school. Besides, we make efforts to inculcate in them certain moral values like patriotism, truthfulness, honesty & brotherhood. We motivate them to think, explore and learn with joy.</p> <p class="justify">We provide them conducive & learning friendly atmosphere in order to help them grow into responsible citizens of India.</p> <p class="justify">This is our vision to be shaped in reality by the team effort of all the D .P.S. Employees. </p> <p class="justify">This is our vision to be shaped in reality by the team effort of all the D .P.S. Employees. </p>
From Chairman's Desk
School Timings
From Principal's Desk
Board: CBSE
Medium: English
Facilities: SmartClasses, Internet, Computer, ActivityHall, ConferenceHall, DanceRoom, Library, MedicalRoom, MusicRoom, Playground, ScienceLab
StreamType: Science, Arts, Commerce
InstituteType: School
Activity: Dance, Singing, Yoga